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Aldersgate kids

You can also Follow our children's ministry on social media for updates and ways your children can stay involved. 
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Children’s Worship

Children’s Worship is offered during our 8:30 and 10:30 Sunday morning worship services.

We offer a full hour children’s worship service in the KidsZone. Kid Zone is located near the gym (ALC), just down the hallway from our Sanctuary.

Children's church is offered for children ages 3½- 3rd grade.

  • Following the 8:30 service, children may be taken to the Sunday School class for their age group (Starting at 9:30AM).

  • For our 10:30 Service, the Children may be taken directly from Sunday School or can be taken by you to Kid Zone.

Sunday school


For children ages 3 ½ through 3rd grade we offer a large group/small group format using, “The Jesus Storybook Bible” curriculum.  These lessons teach children that Jesus is the center of God’s great story of salvation.  This age group begins in the KidsZone for large group and then transitions to their classrooms for small group time.  Our 4th and 5th grade students meet in Room 12 and study a wide range of topics using videos and hands-on projects.


wednesday nights



Children begin in age appropriate choirs at 6:15 then transition to KidMission.  We are currently doing a study through the Bible.  Our night includes large group Bible lessons, small group time and games.  We also participate in a monthly mission project.



Our Vacation Bible School is normally held during the 3rd week of July.  Watch for announcements for the dates and themes.

Vacation Bible School 2021 Videos


Recap #1

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Recap #2

2019 recap

trunk or treat

2018 & 2019



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Check out videos from last year's Vacation Bible School!

VBS recap 2019

VBS Interviews 2019

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follow us on social media

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Worship services

Sunday Mornings In Person & Livestream Schedule: 

8:30AM (Traditional)

10:30AM (Contemporary)

Sunday School: 9:30AM

Wednesday Night Worship

In Person & Online:


Office hours

Monday - Tuesday:

8:30AM - 3:00PM

Wednesday - Thursday:

8:30AM - 4:00PM

Our phone system will always be in service for emergency calls.

contact us

1201 N. Fair Street

Marion, IL, 62959





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