care team
The Marion Aldersgate Care Team is a congregational based, whole person health ministry that helps people assume responsibility for their own health within a caring community
Be aware of healing and health needs
Discover resources to meet healing and health needs
Make healthy life choices
Nurture all persons toward health, healing and wholeness
The Marion Aldersgate Care Team consists of several ministry options:
Acts of Kindness
Making gifts to deliver to shut-ins
Information Table
— Name, Title
Welcoming new people to our church with gift bags that include information about our church
Visiting Homebound
Volunteers are needed to adopt a shut-in and visit them monthly.
Christmas Caroling
A once a year event. We go out and Christmas Carol to
our local shut-ins
Communion Team
We have volunteers that take communion elements to our local shut-ins
Pitcher and Towel Ministry
We take meals to those who have had surgery and returned home.
If they don’t belong to a Sunday School class then our team will take them a meal.
— Name, Title
Card Ministry
Volunteers send cards out to those that are shut-in, those in the hospital, those who have lost a loved one and those on our Prayer list.
Funeral Meals
Our funeral team assists Sunday School classes with a funeral dinner after the funeral.
They also provide funeral dinners to those who do not have a Sunday School Class.
Quilting Bee’s and Wanna Bee’s
A group of volunteers iron, cut and sew fabric to make quilts for long term surgical and hospital patients as well as our homebound.
Monthly Blood Pressure Clinics
The Care Team offers monthly blood pressure clinics on the first Sunday of each month in the ALC (gym).